5G Monopole Approved in the Conservation Area

BPT has responded to an increasing number of applications for telecommunications masts and 5G upgrades around Bath. This latest prior approval application is for a 20m high ‘slimline’ monopole on Locksbrook Road within the conservation area. BPT continues to acknowledge the benefits of 5G upgrades and connectivity, and based on the proposed light industrial character of the area we feel that that the installation of a 5G monopole here would be of a lesser adverse visual impact than in other more sensitive or historic character areas. However, we are concerned that the submission of ‘piecemeal’ applications through and around Bath would have a cumulative impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area and the special interest of the World Heritage Site.

We reiterate the need for a city-wide operations plan for the future installation of telecommunications equipment to ensure a controlled and considered approach. The proposed mast has now been approved.

You can read our comment in full here.