A resubmitted application for the redevelopment of the Hollis Building site on Lower Bristol Road to provide 120 units of Purpose Built Student Accommodation (PBSA) over a new storage & distribution facility. A previous scheme was refused in 2020, to which BPT objected on grounds of the unjustified provision of further student housing, and the proposed height, scale, and massing of the development which would harm the conservation area, and harm the setting of the Grade II Twerton Viaduct and the Grade II Rackfield Place, a rare section of early 19th century ‘back-to-backs’. Whilst we acknowledge some positive changes have been made regarding the design, particularly on the gabled west elevation, due to the similarities between the two schemes, we have reiterated our objection on the same grounds as before.
You can read our objection in full here.
You can read our response to refused application 20/01794/FUL here.