Accessibility at Bath Preservation Trust
No.1 Royal Crescent
Read our accessibility policy here.
The Herschel Museum of Astronomy
Read our accessibility policy here.
The Museum of Bath Architecture
Read our accessibility policy here.
The Museum and its Collection is housed in the Countess of Huntingdon’s Chapel. Please note that this museum is currently closed.
Beckford’s Tower and Museum
Read our accessibility policy here.
The Museum is regretfully not accessible for wheelchair users. Please note that this museum is currently closed and undergoing refurbishment as part of the Our Tower project.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) at Bath Preservation Trust
In 2022 we appointed an internal EDI Champion to review and enhance our EDI practices and to help guide and implement a robust policy to enhance our inclusivity for staff, visitors and other people we interact with as an organisation, both online and offline. This policy will cover Bath Preservation Trust as a parent organisation, plus our four museums: No.1 Royal Crescent, Herschel Museum of Astronomy, Beckford’s Tower and the Museum of Bath Architecture.
Our full EDI policy will be published here in due course. In the meantime here is a brief overview of our aims and ambitions with the new EDI policy.
Why EDI is important to us
Bath Preservation Trust (BPT) is committed to ensuring that as an employer, an organisation running museums and an active campaigning body, we address inequality and exclusion; advocate best practice and act as a role model.
We believe that everybody deserves to feel safe and welcome at No.1 Royal Crescent and our sister museums. We know from speaking to our staff and surveying our visitors that, on the whole, we are an open and inclusive organisation with an “inspiring” culture, but we would like to build further on this. By appointing an EDI Champion, we aim to review our current practises and hold ourselves to the highest standard. We want to feel secure in the knowledge that as an organisation we are doing everything we can to ensure that everyone has a positive experience with us.
How we approached the new policy
The EDI Champion has reviewed the existing EDI practises in place and pinpointed potential areas for improvement, such as identifying certain new training requirements and accessibility improvements. The EDI Champion has involved every department and stakeholder in the organisation in this process, to maximise available intel and consider all perspectives.
What’s next?
The EDI policy will be published here in due course. The EDI Champion will continue to embed the principles of the new policy at every level of the organisation from the trustees of our parent charity to the museum volunteers.
If you have any questions about EDI and our organisation in the meantime, please email