BPT was invited into pre-application discussions regarding the proposed redevelopment of the Hinton Garage site to provide retirement housing. We supported the principle of the residential development of the site. Whilst generally supportive of the proposed terrace form and massing, we maintained concerns with the 5-storey massing facing onto the River Avon and the Grade II* Norfolk Crescent opposite. Following the granting of planning permission, the garage was demolished in 2018 and construction work began on the site in 2020. The development is scheduled for completion in 2023.
2016 – Submission of Revised Development Proposals
Revised application 16/06188/FUL sought to address the reasons for refusal by bringing the building height down further and recess the dormers facing onto the riverside. BPT considered this application to be an improvement on the previous refused scheme, although we maintained that further information was required about the specifics of the proposed materials and finishes.
Read our response to the 2016 application here.
The application was determined by Planning Committee in March 2017, at which Councillors voted to grant planning permission.
2015/2016 – Planning Application for Redevelopment of Garage Site to Provide ‘Assisted Living’ Facility
Application 15/05367/FUL was submitted in 2015 for the demolition of the garage building and the development of a 5-storey “assisted living” facility on a dual frontage site overlooking Upper Bristol Road to the north and the banks of the River Avon to the south.
Whilst supportive of the opportunity for the development of the site and improvements to the appearance of the conservation area, BPT felt that the scheme would be too tall and top heavy in appearance. Greater detail was required in relation to proposed materials and finishes, and we questioned the prevalent use of white metal detailing throughout the scheme.
Read our response to the January 2015 application here.
Read our additional March 2016 comments here.
Read our additional May 2016 comments here.
Application 15/05367/FUL was subsequently refused by the case officer on grounds of harm to the setting of multiple heritage assets, including nearby listed buildings 8-9 Albion Place (Grade II), Victoria Bridge (Grade II*), Norfolk Crescent (Grade II*) and Nelson Place West (Grade II). The proposed height would have “an unacceptably harmful impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding conservation area as well as the Outstanding Universal Value of the Bath World Heritage Site”.