The Great Big Green Week is Here!

The Great Big Green Week is Here!

Join BPT from June the 10th – 18th  as we share campaigning actions, stories,  best practice advice, top tips and learning in support of a greener future for the City of Bath World Heritage Site.


GBGW Action

As part of our Dark Skies – Rewilding the Night Campaign BPT has alerted B&NES Council and its Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency to the evident risk posed by certain types of LED lighting, which are common throughout Bath and every town and city in the UK.

Read and share our open letter signed by other local organisations and businesses here.


GBGW Stories

Join us on our social media platforms for stories about what inspires us to tackle climate change and protect nature.


GBGW Best Practice Advice

Advice for Low Carbon Living and improving the energy efficiency of older homes is available here.

Energy Efficiency Retrofit Case Studies – practical examples of retrofit are available on our website here.

Warmer Bath, a guide for improving the energy efficiency of traditional homes, is available here.

Dark Skies Lighting Guidance is available here.

We also give planning advice and guidance over the phone from experienced staff, with site visits and written advice for BPT members. Contact 01225 338727 or


GBGW Learning

Join BPT on Thursday 15th June at 5.30pm for an evening of discussion around energy conscious design and approaches to improving the performance of older homes.



BPT was established 89 years ago to campaign for the conservation and sustainable development and enhancement of the architecture, public realm and amenity, green spaces and rural setting of Bath and its environs. The World Heritage inscriptions reference the green setting of the city as a hollow in the hills, and the therapeutic landscape of international importance and fundamental to the heritage of Bath.

Our lush, green, landscape city is a beautiful place to live and to work but depends on thriving ecosystems, a clean and healthy environment and most importantly the ability to mitigate and adapt to the Climate and Ecological Emergency. We can all do this in many ways, by

  • Respectfully adapting older buildings to be thermally efficient limiting carbon emissions
  • Using zero carbon technologies to build much needed new homes and buildings
  • Break dependence on fossil and organic fuels for heating and transport
  • Increase carbon absorption by retaining the Green Belt for carbon absorption
  • Make Bath a more wildlife friendly and green city

Join us and support BPT beyond Big Green Week towards a more sustainable future for Bath.