Following an online public consultation in September 2020, a revised application (20/04760/EFUL) has been submitted for the redevelopment of the former Bath Press site, an early 20th century ‘Non-Designated Heritage Asset’ of local significance.
A housing scheme was permitted in 2016. This was followed by the demolition of the Bath Press and stabilisation of the street-facing façade and chimney in 2017.
Bath Preservation Trust has been actively involved throughout the pre-application consultation process. We are supportive in principle of the residential redevelopment of this significant brownfield site within Bath; however, we have ongoing concerns regarding the treatment of the historic façade within the wider development.
The current application (20/04760/EFUL) proposes some changes to the previous scheme, including an increase of 42 homes to replace proposed commercial units to the east of the site, the removal of the basement car park, and further landscaping of the park on the western corner of the site. Significantly, it is proposed to remove the chimney from the surviving façade.
BPT has continued to oppose the loss of the historic chimney, and associated harm which would not outweighed by the limited public benefits of the scheme. The loss of the chimney would result in unbalanced harm to the Non-Designated Heritage Asset, harm to local distinctiveness, and harm to the appearance and character of the townscape.
We are concerned that no affordable housing would be built as part of the scheme. We maintain that pedestrian routes should be included to allow access from the residential streets to the south, such as Denmark Road.
You can read our full response here.