Undeveloped Land To Rear Of 6-8, Kensington Place, Walcot, Bath

All vegetation and mixed species self-seeded trees within 3m of neighbouring properties to be removed.
Our Response

The proposed site of works is an undeveloped plot of land, to the south of the Grade II terrace at Kensington Place. The plot is situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and World Heritage Site. This area is characterised by its backland context with a mix of garages and associated outbuildings, some of which serve a light industrial function, as well as views across the rear garden plots and planting associated with Kensington Place. The site as existing constitutes an open green plot within the streetscape, progressing into a strip of well-established tree planting to the west which runs along the northern boundary line of the Morrisons supermarket.

Where it is indicated that “All vegetation and mixed species self-seeded trees within 3 metres of the neighbouring properties are to be removed”, it is presumed that cutting back works would be restricted to the eastern and southern edges of the site as illustrated in the report provided. It would be useful to clarify that works would not affect the existing larger tree/shrub growth in the north-west corner of the site, as well as the adjacent northern tree belt, which as a whole makes a positive green contribution to the local area.

We encourage consideration of alternate weed control methods rather than the proposed use of glyphosate, where this is no longer being used to control street weeds by B&NES Council as part of their response to the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

Application Number: 23/01792/TCA
Application Date: 16/05/2023
Closing Date: 08/06/2023
Address: Undeveloped Land To Rear Of 6-8, Kensington Place, Walcot, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment