The Royal High School, Lansdown Road, Lansdown, Bath
The Royal High School is a Grade II mid-19th century school building situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. There are additional associated Grade II structures on the site such as the entrance archway, flanking walls, steps, lamp standards, chapel, and Woodland Cottage. The site forms part of the low density, green periphery of the city along Lansdown Road. Despite being set well back from the roadside, views are publicly framed in the archway entrance down the driveway to the school. It forms a grand, landmark addition to the streetscape.
Considering the proposed volume of illuminated bollards proposed on the approach to the school, we have some concerns regarding the cumulative visual impact on the distinctive low-level illumination night time character of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site, particularly along its periphery where the semi-rural character of the area is enhanced by pockets of woodland, low density grain, and a tranquillity of character. We suggest further details are provided to the case officer regarding the proposed brightness levels of the lighting proposed and any potential for spill that would further illuminate the green setting of the Grade II building.