The Royal High School, Lansdown Road, Lansdown
Car park: Whilst we have no objection to the enlargement of this car park we would echo the concerns of others regarding the mitigation of visual impact with the use of extra planting of both trees and tall shrubs to screen and filter views. A fully detailed planting scheme should be submitted as part of the application and not left to condition.
Dance Studio: Whilst we have no objection to the principle of development of a new contemporary education building, we are concerned that the proposed materials and design of the building creates an unnecessarily dominant visual impact in this part of the conservation area. There are large areas of blank render proposed, and this creates a stark appearance that gives a sense of imposing bulk that is incongruous with local character. The design could be broken down with a more mixed palette of materials and articulated elements that can allow the building assimilate more comfortably with its open green setting. In particular it would be important for the areas of timber cladding to be of a natural finish and not stained, in order to weather to a muted natural patina. We question whether the building could be further cut into the slope to reduce the impression of bulk as well. The issue of landscaping for screening and breaking up the views will be important for the case officer to assess, as will the issue of light spill from the glazing and pathways to the building; we note the presence of both planting and lighting plans and assessments in the application.