The Bath Studio School, The Link School, Frome Road, Odd Down, Bath
The Bath Studio School is an unlisted late 20th century school complex situated within the Bath World Heritage Site and the indicative townscape setting of the conservation area. It is situated just outside of the Cotswolds AONB but directly overlooks the AONB boundary from the school field to the south, which is the location of the proposed development. The school has views out across the South Stoke Plateau towards South Stoke and the landscape setting of the World Heritage Site.
As part of the new overflow car park, seven new street lights are proposed, although further design details are forthcoming. Whilst the D&A notes that the existing hedgerow would screen any lightspill to neighbouring properties, we encourage that the proposed lighting should only be in use during school hours to restrict potential visual impact to the AONB and any detrimental light spill into open countryside to the south. We recommend this should be conditioned as part of any permit granted.