Street Record, Moorfields Drive, Moorlands
Following reconsideration of the proposal, we acknowledge that part of the scheme has a direct impact on the green landscaping of 38-53 Poplar Close, a mid- to high-density residential development adjacent to the Moorfields Drive site, situated within the Bath World Heritage site and forming part of the periphery residential setting of the Bath conservation area. We would recommend that the inclusion of Poplar Close within this scheme is made clearer as part of the overall application, as currently an overt emphasis is placed on the Moorfields Drive portion of the scheme.
We therefore maintain our concern in relation the proposed size and prominent location of bin storage within the green public space of both Moorlands Drive and Poplar Close. In particular, we feel that the positioning of bin stores along the Moorfields Road entrance to the site will be of detriment to the existing, positive green character of the streetscape. This application will further introduce urbanising street clutter along the main vehicular routes through both Moorfields Drive and Poplar Close. There does not seem to be an explanation provided regarding the position of the bins, and the Trust would be interested if the location plan’s relation to residential amenity could be clarified.
We additionally feel that the proposed height of the bin stores (1487mm for the smaller units, 1839mm for the larger unit) is somewhat excessive, considering the comparable size of the bins as shown the photographs submitted. We would suggest that a slightly smaller, more modest store size and design is selected to mitigate against visual harm to the green character of the area, and we continue to recommend a more suitable layout set back from the site entrance onto Moorfield Road.