Street Record, Colliers Lane, Charlcombe
The Trust objects strongly to this application on the basis that the proposed mast would be in a highly visible location in the AONB, Green Belt and setting of the WHS. It will be an intrusive, discordant intervention into the rolling open landscape and will therefore unacceptably harm both landscape beauty and openness. The associated ground level paraphernalia will also impact detrimentally on the rural character of the lane. The lack of LVIA’s also severely limits the opportunity to properly assess the extent of the harm that will be caused by this intervention into the landscape. We understand the local parish council has identified a possible alternative village location which is less harmful to the visual amenity of the Green Belt and AONB and we strongly urge the case officer to refuse this application and insist that a more appropriate location is found for this suite of equipment.
The proposed scheme, by virtue of height would harm the openness of the Green Belt and the special landscape quality of this part of the AONB and WHS setting. The scheme is contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), policies; CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy and policies NE2, NE2A, CP8, GB1 and B4 of the Placemaking Plan. We therefore recommend this scheme is refused.