Retention of 15m x 12m stock pond.
Our Response

An Article 4 Direction is in place in the Swanswick Valley to allow for the consideration, through the planning system, of the impact of development on the special character of the AONB, the special character of which contributes significantly to the landscape setting of the World Heritage site, which is of Outstanding Universal Value. This pond currently exists, it is unauthorised and in breach of planning regulations. The site is visible within the AONB and can be seen from an adjacent public foot path.

The pond is not a natural feature of the landscape, it neither conserves nor enhances the character and local distinctiveness of the landscape. The artificial pond has an adverse impact on the natural beauty of the Cotswold AONB. The development therefore fails to comply with Policies NE1 and NE2 of the B&NES Local Plan and PPS7.

The pond is inappropriate development in the Green Belt, its appearance is harmful to the character and openness of the Green Belt. In our view no very special circumstances exist to justify its creation. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy GB2 of the B&NES Local Plan and PPG2.

The Trust therefore recommends that this application is refused and that the necessary enforcement action to remedy the breach and restore the land is taken.

Application Number: 10/04188/FUL
Application Date: 21/10/2010
Closing Date: 22/11/2010
Address: Parcel 6616 Woolley Lane, Charlcombe
Our Submission Status: Object