Parcel 2866, Woolley Lane, Charlcombe, Bath, BA1 8DN

Erection of agricultural building, alterations to access, formation of track and hardstanding, siting of temporary timber-clad mobile home for an agricultural worker
Our Response The site is located in the Greenbelt and in the Cotswold AONB. An Article 4 Direction has also been placed on land in the Swainswick Valley and prevents certain agricultural works from being undertaken that would normally be permitted development, this is so all agricultural development can be properly managed in this sensitive area. The Trust considers that the proposed buildings and the formation of a permanent track and hardstanding are inappropriate developments in the greenbelt. Policy GB1 of the B&NES Local Plan states that new buildings in the green belt will only be allowed in very special circumstances. The justification stated in the application does not appear sufficient to allow this development in the green belt, which will include two substantial buildings. These buildings and the formation of a track and hardstanding will detract from the openness of the greenbelt and adversely affect the natural beauty and character of the AONB and the landscape setting of the World Heritage Site. The proposal is contrary to Policies NE2, GB1 and BH1 of the B&NES Local Plan and guidance contained within PPG2 and should be refused.
Application Number: 08/02397/FUL
Application Date: 27/06/2008
Closing Date: 07/08/2008
Address: Parcel 2866, Woolley Lane, Charlcombe, Bath, BA1 8DN
Our Submission Status: Object