Bus Layby, Newbridge Road, Newbridge
This application concerns a former bus layby, now in private ownership, situated along Newbridge Road within the Bath World Heritage site, Bath Green Belt, and overlooking the boundary of the Cotswolds AONB. Whilst a busy road, the area remains significantly verdant in character, with the bus layby backing onto Newbridge Open Space city park and adjoining Bath Marina.
The Trust would appreciate clarification as to whether the proposed rear timber fence would replace the existing hedgerow, or merely be located in front of on-site planting.
We appreciate the need to prevent fly tipping in this area, but we have some concerns regarding the proposed type of fencing selected to secure the site. The temporary nature of Heras fencing would result in a neglected, half-finished appearance at detriment to the natural, vernacular appearance of the Newbridge Road streetscape, and sit in sharp contrast to the newly finished petrol station. We would therefore suggest that for the long-term security of the site with added benefits to the appearance of the area, a more permanent type of metal fencing is selected in an appropriately simple style, colour, and finish, such as palisade fencing.