Bowling Green And Tennis Courts, Royal Avenue, Bath

Erection of open sided storage shed.
Our Response

The proposed site of development is located adjacent to the Royal Victoria Park Pavilion and the Grade II boundary of Royal Victoria Park, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It has historically been the site of the bowling green and tennis from the early 20th century. It is largely screened from public view from Royal Avenue by established tree planting, but remains part of the connected leisure setting of the Royal Victoria Park and contributes to its social and visual amenity as part of one of Bath’s ‘inner city’ green spaces.

We strongly recommend that further design details regarding the appearance, colour, and finish of the proposed shed are submitted to better clarify its potential visual impact.

Application Number: 21/03232/FUL
Application Date: 07/07/2021
Closing Date: 05/08/2021
Address: Bowling Green And Tennis Courts, Royal Avenue, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment