Bath Spa, Railway Station, Dorchester Street, City Centre
Brunel Square is a 2011 public realm redevelopment that forms the setting of the Grade II* Bath Spa Station complex, whilst additionally contributing to the ancillary streetscape setting of multiple Grade II buildings at the entrance of Manvers Street, within the city-centre core of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The square forms a significant entry point for visitors coming into Bath via bus or train and is identified as a key public space within the City Centre Conservation Area Character Appraisal. The inclusion of tree planting within the square strategically breaks up the hard landscaping and brings a welcome greening effect into the public realm.
We therefore welcome the appropriate management of the existing street trees, as well as the inclusion of the southern tree belt along the bank of the River Avon. We appreciate the need to balance public amenity with the need to retain appropriate tree cover and its contribution to the appearance and character of the conservation area. However, we note that the scheme only includes six of the street trees on Brunel Square, and does not include any proposed works to the three street trees planted closest to the roadside and therefore in closer proximity to regular pedestrian movement. We query whether these trees could be included to ensure a consistency of pruning treatment and consequent aesthetic change in crown height.