Albert Crescent, Victoria Bridge Road, Westmoreland, Bath

T1 – T8 Willow – Pollard.
Our Response

Albert Crescent is a contemporary residential crescent that forms part of the Western Riverside development, situated within the World Heritage Site and the indicative townscape context of the Bath conservation area. Albert Crescent and the adjacent riverside footpath overlooks the boundary of the Bath conservation area which follows the south-western edge of the River Avon. This application focuses on a series of willow trees planted along the south-western edge of the footpath and form part of significant efforts to enhance the green character and appearance of the river corridor, designated a Site of Nature Conservation Interest, as well as public realm improvements as part of the wider development site. The trees additionally serve to partially screen Albert Crescent from the riverside, consequently softening the visual experience of the area’s built context from the river.

BPT is supportive of the proposed works, indicated to be part of an ongoing programme of maintenance, where this ensures the long-term health of the trees and the associated benefits to the special visual amenities of the area. Part of the value of these trees is their large-scale canopy which serves to reinforce the distinctive verdant qualities of this area as a wildlife corridor and popular public amenity space.

Application Number: 22/01688/TCA
Application Date: 25/04/2022
Closing Date: 18/05/2022
Address: Albert Crescent, Victoria Bridge Road, Westmoreland, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment