BPT has responded to proposals for the redevelopment of the Dick Lovett BMW and MINI dealerships to provide 343 Build to Rent residential apartments, 335 Purpose-Built Student Accommodation studios and cluster rooms, and 727m2 of commercial space along Lower Bristol Road. Full plans for application 20/03071/EFUL can be accessed online via the planning portal here.
We are supportive of the principle of the redevelopment and regeneration of the site to provide much-needed residential accommodation and meet local housing demands. However, we cannot support this iteration of the scheme which constitutes overdevelopment of the site, the introduction of incongruous material and form at odds with local character and distinctiveness, and cumulative harm to views in and across the World Heritage Site.
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, we reiterate the need for new residential developments to meet with National Minimum Space Standards to provide suitable levels of long-term residential amenity, and allow for future flexibility and adaptability.
You can read our response in full here.