BPT Responds to Emerging Vision for Bath River Line

BPT Responds to Emerging Vision for Bath River Line

Concept design proposals were presented at a webinar on 27th May for Phase One of the Bath River Line project, focusing on the western section of the River Line (between Newbridge and Green Park). Other sections of the River Line will be taken forward as part of later phases of the project. The scheme proposes the creation of a new 10km linear riverside park through Bath, creating a high-quality route for walking and cycling whilst also improving biodiversity and creating a series of ‘destinations’ along the river.

BPT have responded to the initial proposals with comments as follows:

  • We emphasise the need for a consistency and coherency of design across all three phases of delivery.
  • How will newer, riverside developments be incorporated into the wider River Line scheme? How will developments (Bath Quays North) scheduled for completion before River Line delivery be factored in?
  • There is a need to maintain an appropriate balance between riverside lighting levels and the distinctive, low level illuminated character of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site.
  • It is positive to see that the scheme will draw on the established design and character of Bath as set out in the Bath Pattern Book, and the creation of a riverside-specific pattern book/design guide – will this have an opportunity for public consultation?
  • Positive opportunity for enhancement of the biodiversity value of the river as a SNCI/part of the Green Infrastructure Network, in light of the Climate/Ecological Emergency.
  • There is a need to secure a long-term management plan for the riverside path and parks to ‘tie-in’ support – possible consideration of supporting existing local residents groups, or creating new groups, to care for parks, as well as contributing to specific aspects of the scheme such as historical interpretation and art installations?
  • Need for a consistent methodology to determine the key values of each particular ‘zone’ along the River Line to then inform interpretation.
  • Potential strategy for permanent art installations?

Proposals can be accessed via the Bath River Line website here.