BPT has frequently commended the project team at Curo housing association for their approach to the redevelopment of the site and the efforts which have been made to engage residents and stakeholders over a long period of time. As of June 2019, 178 houses had been built, and permission had been secured by Curo for Phase 4 (see 19/00497/ERES) of development for the design of 158 homes. The site is predicted for completion by 2026.
2018 – Revised Matters Application for Phase 3 of Development for 162 Dwellings
In early 2018, application 18/00807/ERES plans for Phase 3 were submitted for 162 dwellings, in response to which BPT expressed concerns with the form and design of proposals as well as the adequacy of the tree shelter belt in screening development in wider views.
Read our response to the 2018 planning application here.
Application 18/00807/ERES was approved in August 2018.
2017/2019 – Revised Matters Application for Phase 2 of Development for 78 Dwellings
In late 2017 Curo submitted planning application 17/04829/ERES for the Phase 2 of Mulberry Park for 78 dwellings. BPT remained concerned that the height, design and materials, would harm the green wooded ridge that overlooks the city and landscape setting Outstanding Universal Value of the WHS.
Read our response to the 2017 planning application here.
In Summer 2018, revised plans were submitted for the Phase 2 area (see 17/04829/ERES) but the limited changes were too marginal to allay our concerns that this part of the scheme will overtop the wooded ridgeline, and therefore cause harm to the special landscape criteria around which Bath’s designation as a World Heritage Site is based.
Read our revised June 2018 submission here.
In Spring 2019, revised plans were submitted for Phase 2 which show the scheme one storey lower and with changes to the materiality and design of the upper floors to make them more recessive. These went some way to allaying our concerns regarding the heights of these buildings but on further review we decided to maintain our objection to this part of the scheme on the basis that there would still be a risk of some harm to the skyline ridge in this part of the World Heritage Site. The building heights would skim the treetops of the ridgeline in long views, therefore potentially producing a harmful urbanising impact as the buildings would be seen just over, and between, the trees.
Application 17/04829/ERES was approved in April 2019.
2015 – Revised Matters Application for Phase 1 of Development for 276 Dwellings
Planning application 15/02465/RES for the first phase of development at Mulberry Park was submitted in Summer 2015 for 276 dwellings. The developer Curo then made some changes to the proposed scheme which included more detail on landscaping; however, BPT remained concerned regarding the finer detail of the proposed suite of materials. Demonstration material panels were erected, and inspected by BPT.
In June 2016, we consulted with Curo and architects BDP on the proposed scheme for the Mulberry Park Community Hub, Pre-school and School buildings. Likewise we provided feedback to Curo on their proposals for the regeneration of the Foxhill housing site adjacent to Mulberry Park.
Application 15/02465/RES was approved in October 2015.
2014 – Outline Application for Development of up to 700 New Homes
The former buildings on the site were demolished in 2014, and outline planning application 14/04354/EOUT was submitted for the development of up to 700 dwellings and related infrastructure. We were supportive of the provision of a substantial amount of mixed tenure housing and welcomed the provision of affordable housing; however, we regretted that we could not fully support the proposals due to the impact of six storey development on the Bath skyline and the landscape setting of the World Heritage Site.
Read our response to the 2014 planning application here.
Outline application 14/04354/EOUT was approved in March 2015.