The proposed housing development site is an area of greenfield land that forms part of the south easterly corner of the open hillside associated with Bath City Farm. It is noted as an important hillside in the World Heritage Site within the 2013 WHS Setting SPD, punctuating the otherwise-dense residential development to the south of Bath. It is similarly identified as a “significant open space” within the Twerton Character Area Appraisal. It remains visually connected with significant views across the city and the skyline towards features such as the Royal Crescent and Beckford’s Tower, as well as being an important remainder of Twerton’s original agricultural setting and historic field system


2021 – Resubmitted Application Addressing Reasons for Refusal

The 2019 scheme was resubmitted as application 21/01588/FUL with a Habitat Management Plan attached. BPT continued express concerns regarding harm to Bath’s green setting.

Read our associated press release here.

The 2021 application was referred to Planning Committee where BPT spoke against the scheme. Whilst councillors expressed concerns with the development of this important hillside and the establishment of a harmful precedent, it was agreed that the inspector’s previous decision would undermine any reasons for refusal. It was therefore regretfully agreed to vote to permit.


2019 – Revised Proposals for Development of 9 Dwellings on Greenfield Site

In 2019, application 19/00786/FUL came forward with a much-reduced scheme for 9 dwellings along the southern half of the site facing onto the road. BPT maintained an in-principle objection and highlighted that the northern section of the site would be placed under increasing pressure for later, future development and consequent erosion of the green hillside.

Read our response to the 2019 planning application here.

The 2019 application was refused and subsequently went to appeal. Whilst the appeal was dismissed, the inspector concluded that “the development would not harm the character and appearance of the surrounding area […] furthermore, having applied the heritage balance, I have found that the public benefits of the development would outweigh the very limited harm to the significance of the WHS.” The appeal was therefore dismissed due to “the absence of an agreed scheme of mitigation and compensation that could be satisfactorily secured” and associated ecological harm and net loss of habitat. Read the full appeal decision here.


2015 – Initial Proposals for Development of 20 Dwellings on Greenfield Site

BPT was therefore seriously concerned by the potential impact of residential development on this site. We opposed application 15/02807/FUL submitted in 2015 for the development of 20 dwellings on the site, maintaining an in-principle objection to the development of an important green hillside in views within and across the World Heritage Site.

Read our response to the 2015 planning application here.

The 2015 scheme was refused due to harm to the landscape setting and Outstanding Universal Values of the World Heritage Site, to which this site makes an identified contribution. An attempt to appeal against this refusal was dismissed; read the appeal decision here.