Second Proposal Refused for Residential Redevelopment of Waterworks Cottage Site

Second Proposal Refused for Residential Redevelopment of Waterworks Cottage Site

A second application for the development of a site on Charlcombe Way to build two new dwellings (see application 22/04122/FUL) has been refused by the case officer on grounds of failing to “contribute[s] and respond[s] to the local context, thus failing to maintain the character and appearance of the surrounding area.”

This scheme would be dependent on the demolition of the 19th century Waterworks Cottage, a recognised Non-Designated Heritage Asset (NDHA), for which it has already been separately confirmed that prior approval is not required.

Alongside local residents, BPT has continued to express strong concerns with the adverse impact of development on local townscape character and the setting of the conservation area and World Heritage Site (read our objection response here).

We previously opposed an earlier iteration of the scheme 20/04067/FUL for proposals to demolish Waterworks Cottage and develop three new dwellings on the garden site, on grounds of harm to a NDHA and overdevelopment of the site (read our objection response here). Whilst the application was later amended to retain and refurbish the Cottage alongside two new dwellings, the application was ultimately refused at Planning Committee on grounds of overdevelopment of the site, failure to respond to local context, and failure to conserve or enhance its landscape setting. The application was later dismissed at appeal due to the “significant harm” caused to the character and appearance of the area which would not be outweighed by public benefit.

Based on the Inspector’s previous conclusion at appeal stage that “Plot 2 […] would appear as a discordant, cramped and unduly urbanising addition to the street scene”, it was considered that this judgement remained relevant to current proposals and the build-up of the street frontage would continue to amount to overdevelopment.

BPT continues to oppose the unjustified and irreversible loss of a NDHA which positively contributes to the appearance and local heritage of the area, forming part of the 19th century Charlcombe Waterworks which has since all but disappeared. In light of the Climate Emergency and the cost of living crisis, the priority should be to retain the cottage (retaining, by association, its embodied carbon/energy) and bring it back into sustainable and affordable use.


(Image Credit: Google Street View, 2019)