Ash, Elder, Western Red Cedar and two Lawson’s Cypress – Remove.
Our Response

Wayside is an unlisted late 20th century dwelling situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The area is noted for its intentionally green, “picturesque” character as part of the early 19th century expansion to the east and creation of a semi-rural ‘suburb’ to meet increased interest in living outside of the urban city centre. The area forms part of the green landscape ‘bowl’ of Bath with Bathwick Meadows, part of the recognised Skyline, to the immediate south of the area.

We consider this application within the context of increasing tree removal and associated sparsity of tree cover along North Road, and its associated, cumulative impact on Bath’s World Heritage Site landscape setting. We note the proposed removal of five trees from this sensitive site and encourage consideration of mitigatory replanting of suitable species where appropriate, perhaps to reinforce key areas of visibility such as the southern boundary.

Application Number: 22/01870/TCA
Application Date: 06/05/2022
Closing Date: 02/06/2022
Address: Wayside, North Road, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment