Internal alterations to remove 2no wooden pews for wheelchair access.
Our Response

Union Chapel is a Grade II late Georgian non-conformist chapel situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The interior contents of the chapel, including the chapel pews, are included within the designation due to their age, curtilage position within the chapel, and their consequent historic and aesthetic relationship with the chapel and its ecclesiastical function.

We have no comment on the proposed removal of two pews. However, due to the removal of the pews constituting a loss of historic fabric, we would strongly recommend that a Heritage Statement is submitted to the LPA as part of this LBA to enable an assessment of the historic context of the pews, and to weigh the public benefit against the perceived material and social harm to a listed building.

Application Number: 20/00311/LBA
Application Date: 27/01/2020
Closing Date: 27/02/2020
Address: Union Chapel, Church Road, Combe Down
Our Submission Status: Comment