Twerton Villa, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland, Bath

Installation of one metal and acrylic non-illuminated fascia sign (1200 x 865 mm) onto existing posts in the curtilage of Twerton Villa.
Our Response

Twerton Villa is a Grade II early 19th century detached villa situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is located between the Grade II early 19th century Maltings Depository and the Grade II early 19th century Albert Villa, and is overlooked by the Grade II Twerton Viaduct. Its boundary is characterised by distinctive, sweeping boundary walls in rubble stone with ashlar quoining, and low ashlar walls along the frontage.

The proposed sign would use the existing metal posts already in situ from as early as 2008.

BPT is resistant to the use of acrylic signage. We maintain this would be of detriment to the building’s appearance through the overt use of more modern materials. We strongly encourage a more traditional approach that would complement the listed building and sit harmoniously with its historic setting, considering its public visibility within the conservation area.

In its current form, this application would not preserve or enhance the appearance of the conservation area and would harm the appearance of a listed building, and would be contrary to the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, section 16 of the NPPF, and Policies BD1, CP9, D1, D2, D3, D9, and HE1 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan and should be refused or withdrawn.

Application Number: 21/01739/AR
Application Date: 09/04/2021
Closing Date: 14/05/2021
Address: Twerton Villa, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object