Top Maisonette, 101 Newbridge Road, Newbridge, Bath

Modification of front dormer and provision of a new rear dormer to the second floor.
Our Response

101 Newbridge Road forms part of an unlisted late 19th century terrace, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The terrace formed part of the piecemeal growth of strip development along Newbridge Road, following on from earlier examples of much larger semi-detached housing to the east. The terrace is comparatively modest in scale and form, presenting two above-ground storeys to the roadside and extending to three storeys where the topography slopes to the south towards the river. The terrace façade is typically homogenous in appearance; each dwelling presents a two-bay elevation in Bath stone ashlar with a projecting bay window that runs from the ground floor to the lower ground floor. The pitched roof line is regularly broken up with the use of a stone coping and framing chimney stacks.

The focus of proposals is the proposed addition of dormer windows to the front and rear roof slopes. As existing, all dwellings along the terrace feature dormer windows on the front street-facing roof slopes in a mixture of sizes and styles, including at No. 101. However, the terrace also retains a number of pitched and barrel-roofed single casement dormers which may be original to the construction of the terrace. In particular, examples at No. 101 and 127 feature dentilled/beaded detailing along the barrel dormer eaves which are otherwise missing from other similar dormer examples along the terrace, and as such may therefore indicate retention of existing dormer form and finish with limited later intervention.

We therefore encourage that the existing, potentially historic dormer is retained where possible as part of the proposals. However, we note that the existing dormer is reported to be in a very poor condition within the D&A Statement and recognise the need for significant overhaul or replacement to make this window opening serviceable.

Nonetheless, where a replacement is appropriately justified, we encourage that a design is selected that more closely references the existing dormer window at No. 101 as well as historic neighbouring examples, which would beneficially reflect and reinforce the historic character and appearance of the terrace and contribution to the wider townscape. The terrace is somewhat unusual in the volume of surviving historic/traditional-style dormers, a quality which should be sought to sustain.

Application Number: 22/03530/FUL
Application Date: 13/09/2022
Closing Date: 13/10/2022
Address: Top Maisonette, 101 Newbridge Road, Newbridge, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment