Top Flat, 21 Henrietta Street, Bathwick, Bath

External works to reinstate dormer window.
Our Response

21 Henrietta Street forms part of a Grade I late 18th century terrace of townhouses at 20-35 Henrietta Street by Thomas Baldwin, situated within the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area and World Heritage Site. It faces onto the adjacent terrace at 6-19 Henrietta Street, which is also Grade I listed and contemporary in design and age. The focus of works is to the rear dormer of the terrace where this backs onto Henrietta Park; the terrace rear in this location is generally well-screened by established tree planting. The character of the terrace rear is of a more diverse, varied, and eclectic appearance where this is evident of a narrative of later additions and alterations associated with the dwellings’ occupation over time.

It is proposed to reinstate a missing timber sash window to the rear dormer where this area has been infilled with the application of slate sidings. The addition of a new sash window where this is of an appearance, profile, and thickness that matches the other sash windows already in situ, would be in keeping with the appearance of a listed building and the established dormer treatment along the terrace.

Where a fourth window would be added, there is a missed opportunity to reinstate a sense of symmetry at roof level. It is currently proposed to situate the new window towards the northern end of the dormer, reading as a three bay dormer and a one bay dormer. We recommend that this window could instead be pushed back towards the southern end to create a more balanced distribution of a pair of two bay dormers at roof level, where this type of layout is more congruous with the existing dormer profile and position present in the area.

Application Number: 23/02328/LBA
Application Date: 26/06/2023
Closing Date: 01/09/2023
Address: Top Flat, 21 Henrietta Street, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support