Third Floor, 6 Grosvenor Place, Lambridge

Replacement sash frame and window repairs.
Our Response

6 Grosvenor Place forms part of a Grade I late Georgian residential terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The terrace is recognised for its uniformity of appearance and consistent form and detailing, although it now features a diverse variety of window fenestration types as part of its narrative of material alteration and change.

We do not feel that adequate information has been supplied in relation to alterations proposed to a Grade I listed building. Whilst the Heritage Statement presumes that “all of the windows were replaced at the same time” in the 20th century conversion of 6 Grosvenor Place into apartments, little specific historical detail is provided regarding W3 and W1. We therefore remain unclear as to whether repairs might necessitate some loss of historic fabric, and feel that this should be clarified for the benefit of the LPA.

Furthermore, the description of proposed works as “honest repairs” remains ambiguous, and does not elaborate as to whether this requires the complete replacement of existing material, or the use of timber splicing around undamaged fabric. We would therefore suggest that a specification of works is supplied to better highlight what changes will be made and whether these will adequately preserve or enhance the special architectural and historic interest of a Grade I building.

The Trust would additionally emphasise the benefits of ongoing maintenance and cleaning works in future to ensure the overall health of the building, which will prevent potentially irreversible damage to historic fabric.

Application Number: 20/01059/LBA
Application Date: 13/03/2020
Closing Date: 25/03/2020
Address: Third Floor, 6 Grosvenor Place, Lambridge
Our Submission Status: Comment