The Old Vicarage, 110 Church Road, Combe Down, Bath

Internal and external work including alteration to existing conservatory attached to the main house to include removal of rooflights and changing of existing timber framed glazing and doors to steel…
Our Response

The Old Vicarage is a Grade II dwelling likely designed by HE Goodridge in 1840 as the former vicarage to the adjacent Holy Trinity Church, contemporary in age and design, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The Old Vicarage remains a grand example of Goodridge’s later pre- Gothic Revival style with established Jacobean features, generously set back in extensive private grounds, and is therefore of particular local significance considering its striking, standalone position along Church Road, and Goodridge’s architectural prevalence within Bath between the 1820s-1850s.

The proposed site of the orangery has been occupied with a greenhouse from 1853, and has consistently featured a glasshouse or greenhouse-style structure up until the existing structure which post-dates 1983, and appears in the amended listing description as of 2010-2012. The glass roof was replaced with a gabled lead equivalent in 2007.

BPT was previously largely supportive of the works proposed in application 21/00948/LBA (granted consent) due to the retention of the existing footprint, profile, and design of the conservatory structure, and a ‘light touch’ approach defined by a predominant use of glazing. Proposed variations on the consented design include the omission of stepped access to the garden from the south elevation, and minor amendments to the fenestration pattern of the proposed steel-framed glazing system. We therefore maintain our previous comments in response to this latest application.

We query the omission of the proposed removal of gypsum plaster from the south wall, now enclosed within the conservatory. The proposed details indicate that the “existing internal wall render cut back for new window line and sealant” but would otherwise be retained. We maintain a preference for this to be removed to improve the breathability of the external wall and to mitigate the possibility of future material issues/damage to the stonework.

Application Number: 22/00633/LBA
Application Date: 23/02/2022
Closing Date: 31/03/2022
Address: The Old Vicarage, 110 Church Road, Combe Down, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment