Installation of toilets, gates and planters.
Our Response

8E Chelsea Road is an unlisted late 20th century retail unit situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of a series of late 20th century infill development within the garden setting of the late 19th century semi-detached villas along Newbridge Road. Chelsea Road now forms a distinctive local retail centre within an otherwise predominantly residential area.

Opportunities for public realm improvements, including streetscape greening and the improvement of hard surfaces, are welcomed. This would enhance the appearance and character of the conservation area.

We do not oppose the installation of timber gates which would beneficially screen the existing bin store (to be converted to WCs). However, we consider a more recessive finish would be more appropriate, such as an untreated timber or painted timber in a neutral colour, and sit better against the subtle Bath stone palette of the area.

Application Number: 22/01656/FUL
Application Date: 21/04/2022
Closing Date: 26/05/2022
Address: The Chelsea Cafe, 8E Chelsea Road, Newbridge, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment