The Body Shop, 2 Burton Street, City Centre
2 Burton Street is a Grade II mid-19th century terraced shop situated within the city core of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the setting of a high concentration of adjoining Grade II terraced shops, as well as the adjacent Grade II late 18th century terrace at Old Bond Street. The Bath stone ashlar frontage is comparatively ornate with its neighbours with sunken panelled aprons below the window reveals and moulded window architraves. The ground floor features a late 19th century projecting shopfront in Bath stone, but the inset timber frontage is late 20th century.
Due to the building’s location within the commercial centre of the Bath conservation area, and retained use of traditional shop front vernacular, the shop frontage is expected to comply with relevant guidance regarding the appropriate use of materials, colours, and a lack of illuminated signage, in keeping with the wider historic character of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site.
BPT is not opposed to the use of quality metal or timber individually pinned lettering on the fascia as an acceptable addition to the commercial character conservation area, although suitability remains dependent on material listed building concerns. We are therefore not supportive of the use of Perspex-fronted lettering, which would be at odds with the traditional, high quality appearance of shop frontages within the conservation area.
It is unclear as to whether the existing hanging sign is proposed to be replaced; further details are recommended regarding the materiality and finish of the proposed hanging sign should a replacement be proposed.
We have concerns regarding the proposed use of a gloss finish to the shopfront. We maintain that shopfronts should be matte to prevent an overly reflective or bright appearance that might retract from the appearance of a listed building or the wider harmonious, traditional aesthetic qualities of the conservation area. Regardless of the shopfront’s existing gloss finish, we therefore recommend that a matte finish is selected as a more appropriate alternative going forward.