The Bird, 18 – 19 Pulteney Road, Bathwick, Bath
18-19 Pulteney Street is an unlisted mid-19th century semi-detached villa, now restaurant and hotel, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is considered a Non-Designated Heritage Asset (NDHA) due to its attractive, Italianate appearance and contribution to the spacious and grand villa streetscape appearance and character of the conservation area. The rear of the building overlooks the Recreation Ground as well as being publicly visible from William Street. The building rear is currently extensively tarmacked for parking, and the single storey 20th century extensions are of negligible historic or aesthetic value; permission has been granted for alterations to the rear extension (see 21/00129/FUL).
We previously responded to permitted application 21/00144/FUL with concerns regarding the addition of increasing visual clutter to the rear of the building and potential impact on mid-range views from the Recreation Ground.
The plans and elevations as provided are somewhat inaccurate with regards to the portrayed build-up of the rear seating area and cumulative appearance in elevations due to the exclusion of additional structures on the site such as the central ‘podium’ style seating area with raised decking and metal-framed canopy (the latest photos of the structure on Google Business are dated December 2021). The dining domes referred to in this application are also elevated on raised decking platforms and as such sit at an increased height in relation to the western boundary fence.
We therefore maintain continued concerns with the impact on wider townscape views and the visual amenities of the conservation area, as well as potential detriment to the substantial façade of a NDHA. The increased, elevated provision of glazing to the rear may result in increased reflectivity and sun glare and as a result be increasingly visually prominent.
We note that multiple objections have been raised in response to this application regarding increased intensification of activity and associated light and noise pollution with detriment to the residential amenity of the area. We trust this will be appropriately considered by the case officer in relation to Policy D6 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan.