The Bird, 18-19 Pulteney Road, Bathwick, Bath
18-19 Pulteney Street is an unlisted mid-19th century semi-detached dwelling, now restaurant and hotel, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It is considered a Non-Designated Heritage Asset (NDHA) due to its attractive, Italianate appearance and contribution to the spacious and grand villa streetscape appearance and character of the conservation area. The rear of the building overlooks the Recreation Ground as well as being publicly visible from William Street. The building rear is currently extensively tarmacked for parking, and the single storey 20th century extensions are of negligible historic or aesthetic value.
We maintain some continued concerns regarding the provision of multiple structures at the building rear with regards to the visual cluttering of the building as viewed in mid-range views from the Recreation Ground. The previous application as permitted (see 23/01698/FUL) integrated greater levels of planting around the boundary of the terrace which may help to better offset any resulting visual impact from the proposed structures, though this is unable to be appropriately assessed without the submission of relevant contextual elevations.
It is recognised that any potential harm would be limited due to the temporary nature of the structures, due to the proposed restriction on their use from the second week of November to the first week of January. This would need to be appropriately monitored to ensure the proposed structures would be removed outside of their permitted period of use.
Any ancillary works such as increased external illumination should also be clarified, and may require additional permission where this hasn’t been secured already.