Street Record, Bloomfield Crescent, Bloomfield, Bath
Bloomfield Crescent is a Grade II* late 18th century terrace of townhouses situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The terrace was originally named Cottage Crescent up until the 1870s. Unusually, the terrace is orientated north away from the road, with the rear terraced façade in a mix of Bath stone ashlar and rubble stone publicly visible, and a large chamfered bay connecting with the Grade II early 19th century 262 & 264 Bloomfield Road. The principal northern elevation is more formal in appearance and design in Bath stone ashlar, with an asymmetrically centred pedimented house profile. Included within the listing are a number of associated outbuildings and the rusticated stone gate piers to the entrance of the Crescent with decorative acorn finials and the rubble stone boundary wall that runs around to the north to encircle the original grounds and kitchen gardens.
BPT is supportive of the conservation works to repair and restore the original ‘Cottage Crescent’ incised signage. We feel this is a positive opportunity to restore a feature of architectural and evidential interest that would contribute positively to the appearance and setting of a Grade II* listed terrace.
We note that the selected script for the new incised sign differs from the script of the historic incised sign, but there is no further elaboration on what script has been selected or the rationale behind it. We feel there is an opportunity to introduce new signage to both continue the use of traditional signage in this area whilst adding a new layer of significance, but feel that more information concerning the proposed design would be welcome.