Site Of Old Gas Works, Upper Bristol Road, Lower Weston, Bath
This application concerns the boundary wall to the south of the Site of the Old Gas Works, established from 1818 although largely rebuilt in the mid-19th century, within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The boundary wall is of a mixed materiality and age associated with various phases of the Old Gas Works and is consequently defined as a Non-Designated Heritage Asset (NDHA) due to its evidential significance. Of particular consideration are the masonry and ashlar sections of the wall to the south and south-west which are proposed for demolition; the ashlar wall may be a surviving remainder of the pre-1856 structures on the site. The site is of public visibility from Windsor Bridge Road and positively contributes to the pedestrian setting of the Bristol & Bath Railway Path.
There appears to be a lack of certainty regarding the proposed works; whilst the D&A Statement notes that the boundary works will be “made good and reinstated”, presumably referring to the reconstruction of the wall from its original material components, reference is only made to demolition in the Heritage Statement. Considering the wall’s NDHA status, we ask for further clarity regarding whether it is intended to rebuild both the ashlar and masonry sections of the southern boundary wall as part of this application following proposed excavation works.