Installation of 1 x 1m entrance sign. Installation of removable vinyl banner 0.3m height x 3.35m width & corner boards 0.3m width x 0.6m height on 2nd floor balconettes.
Our Response

The proposed signage is unacceptable in terms of siting, appearance, quality and materials (vinyl etc). The precedent set on the floor below is neither here or there as this appears to be unauthorised signage. The applicant should refer to the SPD Guidance on Signage in the conservation area. Whilst this is a difficult site to advertise, the detrimental impact on the conservation area and amenity of the street scene, particularly from the banners and corner boards on the balcony, is unacceptable and not outweighed by any public benefit.

The signage would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area, and therefore the special qualities of the WHS. It would be contrary to Section 12 of the NPPF, policies B1, B4 and CP6 of the Core Strategy and policies CP6, D.2 D9 and HE1 of the Placemaking Plan.

Application Number: 18/05667/AR
Application Date: 20/12/2018
Closing Date: 14/03/2019
Address: Second Floor, 56 Southgate Street, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object