School House, Monkton Combe School, Church Lane, Monkton Combe
Monkton Combe School is a Grade II early Georgian farmhouse that has since become a school. It is situated within the Cotswolds AONB and the Green Belt.
BPT supports this proposal due to the reinstatement of an original historic feature that will enhance both the aesthetic value of the façade and function of the listed building. The excavation of the external area around the door will enable the insertion of drainage channels to better sustain the fabric of the building without conflicting with its appearance. However, we would query the lack of reference to the ventilation grille attached to the bottom right corner of the door, and request more information as to whether this will be removed. We feel that this is a beneficial opportunity to remove a modern addition that has caused harm to historic fabric.
The Trust would further ask for more information regarding the door’s origin and whether it will be retained in its existing position to better inform our understanding of this positive proposal.