Red Rag Gallery, 24 Brock Street, City Centre, Bath

External alterations to include scaffolding of building, de-frass and safety check, light clean and repair of cornice and details using lime mortar and stainless-steel pins if necessary. Repair and replace…
Our Response

24 Brock Street forms part of a Grade II group of late 18th century terraced townhouses, a number of which now have retail/commercial ground floors with shopfronts, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the key connecting thoroughfare between the dramatic built ensembles at the Grade I Royal Crescent and the Grade I Circus, also designed by John Wood the Younger. It further forms part of the shared streetscape setting of a number of high-significance listed buildings including the Grade II* terrace at 2-18 Brock Street by John Wood the Younger. No. 24 occupies a corner position at the junction between Brock Street and Margaret’s Building, and as such forms part of a local street of shops and cafes and a pedestrian connection between Brock Street and Catharine Place. The building retains visual prominence in public views due to its double frontage as well as its large, protruding 19th century shopfront.

BPT is generally supportive of the proposed remedial works to repair and clean stonework, with associated heritage gains to the appearance and condition of a listed building and its contribution to the wider conservation area and World Heritage Site.

The submission of a schedule or methodology including the details of proposed stonework repair and cleaning would be very helpful to assess the overall scope of repair works proposed.

We maintain that where possible, scaffolding should be freestanding to minimise the need to drill into the stonework of a primary elevation of a listed building. Should fixings be unavoidable, these should be limited to the mortar joints to minimise irreversible damage.

Application Number: 22/03064/LBA
Application Date: 08/09/2022
Closing Date: 13/10/2022
Address: Red Rag Gallery, 24 Brock Street, City Centre, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support