Pulteney Mews House, Pulteney Mews, Bathwick, Bath

Alterations of smooth Bath stone coloured render to existing concrete blockwork to front and rear elevation of property to cover poor quality blockwork finish.
Our Response

Pulteney Mews House is an unlisted late 20th century terraced house situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of Pulteney Mews, historically characterised as an early 19th century street of livery stables associated with the grander Grade I townhouses along Great Pulteney Street. These have since been refurbished and largely converted to residential use. The characteristic elevational treatment in this area is Bath stone ashlar/blockwork or coursed rubble stone, in keeping with the terrace’s more modest, utilitarian character. There are a number of buildings in reconstituted stone, including Pulteney Mews House, which somewhat detract from the material ‘vernacular’ and visual amenities of the streetscape.

Typically, render is an inappropriate treatment on principal or high-visibility elevations within the conservation area, where the render finish and colour typically results in an over-bright and jarring appearance against the Bath stone palette of neighbouring properties. However, we note that the dwelling’s reconstituted Bath stone frontage is already out of keeping with its material context and therefore this could be an opportunity to better integrate it with its setting without necessarily trying to replicate a Bath stone finish. We strongly recommend that further details regarding the proposed render, colour, and finish are provided as part of the overall scheme to better assess its suitability within this streetscape context. Within this setting, the use of a limewash or lime render may be more appropriate to ensure an appropriately textured finish and better match the subdued, natural colour palette of the street.

Application Number: 22/03557/FUL
Application Date: 14/09/2022
Closing Date: 27/10/2022
Address: Pulteney Mews House, Pulteney Mews, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment