Pinewood, Weston Lane, Lower Weston
Pinewood is an unlisted late 20th century dwelling situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The area features a mix of boundary treatments, with high coursed rubble stone walls defining the area’s more historic properties, whilst in contrast, the 20th century suburban-style homes typically feature low stone walls in front of either hedging or timber fencing. The variety of existing boundary heights and material treatments in Pinewood’s immediate setting enable a greater degree of visual permeability along the street, with glimpses of houses and front gardens contributing to the character and appearance of the conservation area.
We feel that the proposed 1.3m increase in the boundary wall’s height would be a drastic visual change to the existing streetscape, and would be out of character with the defined boundary characteristics of the later additions to the area. Furthermore, the application does not outline how the proposed wall would interact with the boundary of the neighbouring semi-detached dwelling Steepholm; a potential, abrupt cut-off mid-way along the wall would result in an awkward, unbalanced appearance.
We would therefore strongly suggest that an option more in-keeping with the area’s established suburban character is considered, with the retention of the low wall backed by either timber fencing or hedging, to continue the visible distinction in historic and later boundary treatments along Weston Lane and Gainsborough Gardens.