Pinesgate West Ground Floor Offices, Pinesgate, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland, Bath
Pinesgate is an unlisted pair of 1980s office buildings situated within the Bath World Heritage Site and the indicative townscape setting of the Bath conservation area. This application affects the north-western building. It forms part of the main thoroughfare into the city centre and therefore constitutes part of the approach into the conservation area via Lower Bristol Road. The elevation on which signage is proposed is visible in wider townscape views from the west along Lower Bristol Road from Grade II Victoria Buildings.
BPT is resistant to the installation of illuminated signage. We feel this is contrary to Bath’s low-level lighting and distinctive night time character. Considering the elevated location of the proposed sign and its visibility in longer-range, unobscured street views on the approach into the Bath conservation area, we maintain this would be an intrusive addition at odds with the established signage and lighting character of the conservation area. We do not feel the presence of street lighting would acceptably justify the addition of further lighting within this context and is not a precedent for illuminated signage. We encourage the consideration of a non-illuminated alternative within this location.