Paddock Opposite Laura Cottages, Combe Hay Lane, Midford
The proposed site of development is situated opposite 1 Laura Cottage, an unlisted dwelling within the Bath Green Belt the Cotswolds AONB. It is currently occupied by a single storey structure used as a garage and workshop.
Whilst we appreciate the high-quality finish of the proposed structure with integrated vernacular features such as a natural slate roof and a hardwood frame, we are concerned with the proposed increase in height, and how this will affect the rural character of Combe Down lane. The subservient height of the existing garage and the slope of the roofline to meet the hedgerow currently renders this building sympathetic to its setting. We therefore feel that the proposed two storey garage, in contrast, will dominate its verdant setting with a resulting aesthetic impact on this largely-unbuilt portion of the AONB and Green Belt.
Furthermore, due to the proposed increase in size of the garage and its separate access route, there is some potential for future conversion into a separate dwelling or additional accommodation. We would therefore encourage the domestic use of this site by 1 Laura Cottage as a garage and workshop to be further ensured in future by the addition of a Condition to the application which limits it to an ancillary use.