Old Royal Oak, St Ann’s Place, Bath
The Old Royal Oak is a Grade II late 18th century dwelling, formerly a public house, situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It adjoins two Grade II listed buildings to the west, the late 18th century 9 Monmouth Place and the late 18th-early 19th century 10 Monmouth Place. It forms part of the varied terrace streetscape of Monmouth Place as it merges with Upper Bristol Road and is distinguishable in mid-range views due to its high, steep-pitch mansard roof and paired chimney stacks. The Grade II listing description notes the roof shape as of particular note due to its unusual, ‘warped’ shape to accommodate for the trapezoidal footprint of the dwelling. It currently has a single casement dormer window to the rear and two casement dormer windows to the rear; there are similar examples of historic or historic-style dormers along this street, particularly on steep-pitch mansard roofs further to the east, but examples of rooflights in the historic roofscape remain uncommon.
Considering the high visibility of The Royal Oak’s roof profile and its contribution to the streetscape, we have some concerns regarding the proposed addition of rooflights, particularly to the principal roof slope overlooking Monmouth Place. The addition of a rooflight over the existing dormer window would add further ‘clutter’ to the roofscape with a visible clash in window styles and ages, whereas the principal elevation retains a homogeneity in window fenestration and material.
We therefore recommend that the proposed rooflight on the north roof slope is omitted from the scheme to retain the roofscape vernacular of a Grade II building and preserve the character and appearance of the conservation area, and restrict the rooflight installation to the more concealed south roof slope. We note that this has already occurred next door at 8 Monmouth Place.