National Trust Compound Buildings, Church Lane, Widcombe, Bath

Fell to manage Ash dieback- Ash 1801, 1850, 1830, 1828, 22031, 2203, 1826, 2201, 2202, 2204, 22051, 2205, 2303, 2301, 2302, 586, 587, 5881, 590, 1854, 2207 and 2208.
Our Response We acknowledge the need for the removal of ash tree specimens to ensure the long-term health of the parkland and minimise the risk of further infection across the site. It is presumed that as part of the continued management of this historic woodland, replacement planting with climate-resistant native species will go ahead where appropriate, although this is not detailed as part of the application. Considering the landscape sensitivity of this Grade I parkland, we maintain that great care is required when approaching and conducting any maintenance or alteration works. It is therefore vitally necessary for work to be undertaken by an expert contractor, and we strongly recommend that this is conditioned as part of any forthcoming consent.
Application Number: 22/04775/TCA
Application Date: 28/11/2022
Closing Date: 21/12/2022
Address: National Trust Compound Buildings, Church Lane, Widcombe, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment