Erection of a moveable (free standing) cedar-clad garden building/storage unit, screened from the front boundary by a newly planted yew tree hedge (initial height of 1500mm with a 300mm predicted…
Our Response

Milford House is an unlisted property situated along Lansdown Road within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. An application for the erection of a car port and bin store has previously been permitted on the site (see application 17/00747/FUL).

BPT is unable to make a comprehensive assessment of this application due to the lack of proposed site elevations provided within this application. To best consider the suitability of the proposed garden building, the Trust recommends the provision of elevations from the perspective of Lansdown Road, in particular from the south of the site due to the lack of yew hedging.

We additionally feel that the position of the store in the north-west corner of the driveway is out of keeping with the character of the area, in which the majority of dwellings feature attractive front gardens. We are curious as to why the store cannot be positioned in the same area as the previously permitted car port further back from the roadside to mitigate any visual impact on the streetscape.

Application Number: 19/05231/FUL
Application Date: 11/12/2019
Closing Date: 17/01/2020
Address: Milford House, Lansdown Road, Lansdown
Our Submission Status: Comment