Midford Castle, Access Road To Midford Castle, Midford

Internal and external alterations to include conservation and renovation of the coach-house, greenhouse, basement, former offices at Midford Castle to provide ancillary residential as well as occasional holiday-let accommodation.
Our Response

Without the benefit of a site visit it has been difficult to unpick the important details of this application and gain a full sense of it all, therefore we leave the assessment of works and the judgment of conservation benefit versus harm to the case officer, though we do have some observations. The application itself, whilst detailed in terms of what currently exists on site, does not go into as much detail as we would like in relation to the historic development of these outbuildings in order that conjecture regarding important elements such as window detailing could be more robustly underpinned. We question the proposed insertion of a vertical emphasis on the greenhouse windows that are currently diamond detailed (despite the 1944 photo) given that this change makes quite a marked difference to the character of this elevation.

We are concerned regarding the removal of the arched first floor level wooden door on the south elevation as this appears to be an original and distinctive element that should be preserved. In addition we ask whether any thought has been given to the reinstatement of the obelisks with finials, 3 of which are lost?

Historically these buildings were created as separate entities, and therefore the joining up of these entities does mean legibility is lost. In particular there is some tension created by the impact of the eastern extension on the greenhouse. It appears to compete visually with the greenhouse and there may be an argument for this extension to be more subservient and lightweight, possibly stepped back a bit, in order to make the interrelationship of old and new more clear and to preserve the special interest of the greenhouse.

Application Number: 18/03823/LBA
Application Date: 23/08/2018
Closing Date: 20/09/2018
Address: Midford Castle, Access Road To Midford Castle, Midford
Our Submission Status: Comment