Mcdonalds, Weston Lock Retail Park, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland

Display of 3no. internally illuminated freestanding digital totems and 1no. internally illuminated LCD display screen.
Our Response

This application concerns the McDonalds site along Lower Bristol Road, situated within the Bath World Heritage site, and the indicative townscape setting of the conservation area. The contemporary McDonalds building is attached to Avon House, a Grade II detached early 19th century house, now part of the McDonalds premises. This application therefore needs to be considered in relation to potential impact on the immediate setting of a listed building.

We would reiterate our comments, as previously stated in response to application 18/00275/AR. There is a long history of attempted over-signage at this site.

We understand that the signage’s location to the rear of the listed building is therefore not likely to impact on the streetscene. However, we remain cautious regarding continued proposals for the increase of illuminated signage within close proximity to a listed building. We would continue to urge the case officer to ensure that where possible signage is rationalised down to a minimum to ensure the effective operation of the facility but without unnecessary signage clutter and intrusive illumination. We would further encourage consideration of lower levels of illumination to minimise harm to a listed building through excessive lightspill.

We would additionally highlight detail discrepancies between proposed drawings and the application form, in which it is unclear as to whether the maximum illumination output of the proposed Reconnect Screen would be 1600cd/m2 or 600cd/m2. We would ask that this is clarified with the LPA, and would encourage the selection of a lower illumination output.

Application Number: 20/03450/AR
Application Date: 23/09/2020
Closing Date: 14/10/2020
Address: Mcdonalds, Weston Lock Retail Park, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland
Our Submission Status: Comment