McDonalds, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland
Display of 7no. illuminated freestanding signs to accommodate new drive through layout.
Our Response The Trust has no objections to the proposed ‘drive-thru’ as submitted in 18/00229/FUL. We understand that such a facility does require considerable signage and that in this instance the signage is to the rear of the listed building and the new build and is therefore not likely to impact on the streetscene. We are however uncomfortable with the cumulative amount and extent of illumination of the signage and would urge the case officer to ensure that where possible signage is rationalised down to a minimum to ensure the effective operation of the facility but without unnecessary signage clutter and intrusive illumination. There is a long history of attempted over-signage at this site and we would urge a reminder that it is a listed building.
Application Number: 18/00275/AR
Application Date: 15/02/2018
Closing Date: 20/01/2018
Address: McDonalds, Lower Bristol Road, Westmoreland
Our Submission Status: Comment