Lyde Cottage, Sion Hill, Lansdown, Bath
Lyde Cottage is an unlisted mid-19th century detached dwelling situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It presents as a long three bay dwelling in coursed Bath stone which presents its narrow side elevations both towards Sion Hill to the north, and overlooking the Approach Golf Course to the south. It forms part of the wider setting of a number of terraced Grade II early 19th century dwellings along Sion Hill.
This application is a resubmission of a permitted 2017 scheme for the extension of the cottage with a 2-storey extension on the side and the replacement of the existing non-historic conservatory with a single storey sunroom (see 17/05801/FUL), to which BPT commented. Due to the similarity between the schemes, BPT maintains its previous comments as follows:
“The supporting statement attached to this application does not properly address the landscape and visual impact that this proposal may have. Given this property’s immediacy to the Bath Approach Golf Course and Cotswold Way the Trust feel that more consideration should be given to this matter to ensure that the applicant has accurately evaluated the visual impact the proposal may have on the setting of the surrounding area, wider conservation area and the World Heritage Site.”
We therefore maintain that further assessment is required considering the sensitivity of the dwelling’s location and possible sightlines, as well as the introduction of a much larger extent of glazing across the southern elevation, with potential for light spill or sun glare.